Tutorial on how to produce effective instructional booklets of your business products for your clients
Booklet printing has long been used to print instructions. Be it for a product or a simple procedure,

print booklets are the best medium for quick and accurate information on how to do things the right way.
If you are creating instructional booklets for your own process or products there are, several things that you should take note when engaging in booklet printing. These things should help you design good instructional print booklets for your own use.
Make a logical flow of steps – Primarily in any kind of instructional booklet is its composition. There must be a logical flow of steps, one after the other that people can follow. This should be applied to the overall outline or major topics of the process such as “Installation, Setup, Maintenance”, as well as to the specific steps for each of the topics such as installation step 1, step 2 etc.
You should do this by creating a general outline first of the whole booklet where you should take into account the logical steps on how to make a person learn about the product or topic that you want them to know. One step and topic should ultimately flow to the next and they should follow a proper order that should help a novice learn without losing what is happening in the process.
Illustrate as well as describe – Another tip thatl you should know about concerned about is the way with which your content is written and displayed. Besides describing things in written form, if you have the space, you should really try illustrating the topic or step using images. In most cases, people understand things better when they see how it works rather than if they read about it. This is especially important if your product or process has a few technical words that relate to them which may get a person lost in the text. Therefore, images are a good way to expedite the learning process through your booklets.
Always mark each major topic or concept with a subheading – Also, in terms of the text itself, it is best to have each major topic or concept indicated with a heading or subheading. Having these mini-sections divided by subheadings segments the whole booklet into navigable and easy to understand chunks. If a person wants to look up a topic or subtopic that they want, they can easily see it in the booklet by just browsing through the headings. This makes the instructional booklet a good reference material as the person goes about learning its topic.
Do not cut off sections – Concerning sections, it is important to keep sections together on all pages. A bad instructional booklet is something that has a section cut. Divided sections can break the flow of the instructional argument, which can lead to confusion in the part of the reader. In addition, it does not look very well if you cut of sections in odd places since it does not look professional. So as much as possible do not cut tutorial sections abruptly and continue on the next page.
Print well – Lastly, for booklet printing, it is best to always print them in the cleanest possible paper, with the best possible prints. So always hire a good printing company to print your color booklets. Aim for the ones that specialize in booklet printing and you should never go wrong.
Therefore, with a good design, and good content, you should be able to create nice and well made instructional booklets for your intended audience. Good Luck!