How To Use A Mailing List in Your Hypnosis Business Effectively
How can your hypnosis business and web site effectively use a mailing list. Find out how you can use a mailing list today.
A mailing list is a must have for your hypnosis business,
but do you know why?
I know what it is like. You work by and for yourself. You don’t have the time to contact everybody or email all your clients.
You will need a list of all your client’s email addresses and a program that will allow you to send out regular emails i.e. auto responder software.
The secret is you write your email once and the software sends out the one email to your entire list.
What information can you regularly send out to your clients in an email?
1. Contact.
Your emails, first and foremost are about making a connection with your client. By emailing regularly, you are constantly appearing in front of them. The are constantly reminded of you.
2. Surveys.
You can email your clients and get them to fill out surveys so that they can give you feedback on how to improve your business or web site. You can test out ideas to see if they work for you and your business.
3. Build Your Own Brand.
Emailing on a consistent basis, you'll be building your reputation and brand. In each email include a link to your website.
4. Promote, Promote, Promote.
By emailing your clients you can promote your own products and seminars. If you don't produce your own products. You can promote those of other peoples that you have found useful and helpful.
5. Give Aways!
If you have reports that you have written or mp3s that you have made, you can give them away for free.
6. Categorise Your Clients.
Maybe you have some clients in different states or countries. Maybe some of your clients are 'web only'. They might not want to know about your free talk that you're running at the local library.
7. What Are Your Client Success Stories?
Tell a story about how a client’s life has been changed by hypnosis.