The Real Estate Investment Version of the Fear Factor.
Oh, that's an easy one. I can answer that in one word. FEAR.
Real estate investment is a great way to change just about everything in your life, but it's one of those things where doing it for the FIRST time is the toughest. In fact, the second is exponentially easier!
It's fear folks, plain and simple! And why doesn't make much sense to me. Consider that:
- "Everyone knows that the surest path from low income to millionaire is through real estate." This appears to be a well-documented truism. I've seen a similar statement in some of the most prestigious financial resources on the planet.
- I rarely hear of someone losing it all from real estate. I might be living in la-la land, but for the most part I only hear of folks prospering from real estate investing. Sure, occasionally I hear of deal going bad or growing complicated, but not to the point of ruining folks.
- There are a lot of properties available. Folks are still divorcing, dying, or just not paying the bills and getting foreclosed on. Much of the foreclosure activity is not SEEN by the public, but most of it is available to the public.
- There are a lot of properties available at below market prices. That's been my experience anyway. Of course, I have folks right here in my area that tell me they can't find properties. I just smile and nod my head.
- Rental demand is strong and rents never go down!
So with all this common knowledge and raw opportunity out there, why isn't everyone investing in real estate?
Here's my theory.
So what does one do to face fear and make a change in their life,
Ah, that's just as easy as the last question. I can also answer that in one word…KNOWLEDGE.
Once properly armed with the knowledge they need, most folks can overcome their fears to the point of taking action.
So if you are contemplating taking your financial future into your own hands by investing in real estate, FOCUS on one thing for the next 3-6 months. Buy books or courses, got to real estate investing club meetings, visit websites and get on discussion groups. Let those things be your action steps for awhile. I suspect you'll be ready to dive into the market with the knowledge you'll gain.
I have a motto.
"Knowledge Always Precedes the Money."
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