Wouldn't it be brilliant to be ace-ing all areas of your life? What would that seem like? What would it feel like? Most specifically, does it seem possible to you? Read below to find out more on how Hypnotherapy London can help with that.
Plenty of people are saying things along the lines of "I always have good friendships,
but I really struggle with relationships, I'm simply not destined to meet somebody", or "I'd like to step forward with my career but I don't have what it is needed to stand up and present to a room" or "I am terrible with money, I am not the type of person that's productive at business, I cannot ask for it". These type of statements are often offered as "facts", there is a specific resignation that this is "simply how things are". These remarks are incredibly restricting to personal growth. Said enough times, with enough confidence, they turn into self-fulfilling prophecies, a belief after all is simply a chronic thought. These sort of statements are the antithesis of magnetic, indeed they're repellent to you.
Of course, some things come much easier to some individuals than others. If you were raised with loving parents who had a stable, solid relationship, it will likely be much simpler for you to attract and pick a great partner than someone who grew up with the opposite. Does this mean that the individual who experienced a negative, withholding, traumatic or traumatized home cannot find a nice partner? No, but in a lot of instances, the individual will have to work on healing these wounds to do that. They might not have genuinely aced it with ease previously, but with the right work, concentration and commitment to facing it, it's entirely possible and highly likely that they will attract an excellent partner.
The reality is, if there are areas of your life that are not effective regardless of your consistent, conscious endeavours and desire to make it so, there'll be a reason. Underpinning your irritation at not being able to move, develop or master this certain field or fields of your life, there will be powerful subconscious beliefs and patterns keeping you back. It's not, as opposed to popular belief, down to your lack of "luck". "Luck" is an interesting one: good luck normally happens when one's subconscious desires are aligned with their conscious desires. When this happens, people can truly begin to progress freely, unobstructed, attracting what they want and going for what they want from a place of positive yet stress-free expectation. This is not to say life is without its challenges, but they will be better troubles for one to overcome, not those of being trapped in a loop of anxiety and inner resistance.
If something still isn't working and has not worked for a long time, then it's vital to both bring attention to it and completely own it. Without this, there's little hope of true, transformational change. Sure, it may be easier in the short term to wish things were different, or wait for a magical external solution, or continue accusing other people, outside conditions, fate or your "poor luck" but how's that working out for you?
One needs to differentiate between hard external situations in life which call for change - i.e. moving jobs, leaving a tough relationship or getting out of a toxic environment of any kind, usually once these externals have been resolved wellbeing and joy can return, and what are long serving, unhelpful and stubborn patterns in a person's life. Acknowledging and dealing with these areas normally takes real courage, but there's a feasible option if you do want to have the top life possible, if you want to look back and say "I truly aced that!".
If you aren't ace-ing it, try dealing with it, you have nothing to lose but the pain of old limitations and it'll give you the opportunity to become your best possible self. Please phone 077 6651 5272 to know more about Hypnotherapy London.
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