Important Reason Why You Must Get Your Hypnosis Business On Line
If your hypnosis business is not on line, you're missing out.
Are you a hypnotherapist? Do you know why you must be on-line and have a web site or blog?
I understand. When I finished my training. I knew, I wanted to be on-line and have a website. I just didn't know why or how. Without knowing the why you need to have a website. Your website isn't going to get built and you'll be wasting your valuable marketing dollars.
In this article I'm going to give you 5 top tips why you must get yourself on-line and fast.
1. The yellow pages is dead. I'm sorry, to say it, but placing an ad in the big book, is perhaps the worst thing you can do these days, if you want a return for you advertising money. Yes, have a single line ad, i.e. name, address, telephone number. That's it. The fact is more people begin their research, looking for a hypnotist on-line than anywhere else. It is quicker and easier for a potential client to have a quick search on-line in the office than it is at home.
2. Having a website or blog is a 24 hour, 7 days a week shop window for you and the services that you provide. Also, if you have created your own products. They market and sell themselves, even when you don’t. You'll most likely work 40hrs a week. Your website works 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. It works 16 hours longer than you do EVERY day.
3. With the Internet, anything you sell in your office, you can can quickly and easily set up to sell on-line too. How great would it be to still be making money when you're on holiday or ill and not seeing your own clients?
4. Google - If you type the word hypnosis into Google. All most well known hypnotists have large on-line networks. They have more than one website. Each website points back to their 'main' web site. You can also do this. Building website can be a rinse and repeat process. It can al be done very quickly, easily and cheaply
5. Cost. It is so easy these days to setup and host (where your site lives) a web site. You can easily get bang for your buck. Your money can go much further on-line compared to off-line. If something fails, you can stop it, change it, and tweak it. You can quickly and easily see what does and does not work for your business, within a matter of hours or days and change accordingly. This you can't do anywhere else.