International Recruitment Agencies 5 Things to Avoid When Using One
Like local recruitment agencies, international firms carry risks. With so many to choose from, how does one identify the good from the bad? Continue reading this article for 5 things to avoid when using one...
Technology has allowed business owners to expand their operations,

advertisement and profits across multiple countries, without leaving their Head Office. Operating in multiple countries adds the accompanying task of staffing in multiple countries. Enter International Recruitment Agencies, which act as a conduit for employers to build successful teams.Like local recruitment agencies, international firms carry risks. With so many to choose from, how does one identify the good from the bad? Here are 5 basic things to avoid when using one:
1. Recruitment Agencies that are Actually Sales people in disguise! In a competitive market place, recruitment agencies hire sale people to drive their business. What you need, however, is a recruiter (go figure). Beware of sales people working as recruiters who push for your business to reach their own goals, not yours. Don't you want to hand over responsibility for recruiting your next rock star, to someone who is as passionate about this project as you are?
2. Adjustable Rates. When considering the international array of recruiters, consider the benefits of flat rate fees. If you lock into a service agreement with adjustable rates, you will likely feel more pressure to just get the hiring decision over with, lest you watch the rate grow as time goes on. Especially considering that you are recruiting in another area of the world – one that you may be unfamiliar with – making an informed decision can be a lengthy process.
3. Poor listeners. Avoid recruitment firms that don't get you. Filling this position is important; but filing it with the right person is more important. If the recruitment firm you are considering operates on quantity over quality, its time to stop considering them! Go with a recruitment agency that takes the time to understand your industry, your company and the position you want to fill.
4. Poor communicators. Communication is key from writing a job ad to a shortlisting service. You must find a recruiter or recruitment agency that is able to communicate with you efficiently, according to the definition you give to efficient. If things are unclear, you want a recruiter who is going to let you know and ask the questions they need to ask. Watch out for recruitment services that fail to properly communicate with you.
5. Lack of expertise. Interview your prospective international recruitment agencies. A good recruiter is a good interviewer; and a good interviewer must be a great interviewee. Ask your prospective recruiter about their background; about why they have chosen their current field; and why they are the best recruiter for you. Ideally, you are seeking a recruiter who is passionate about recruiting and who has expertise in the industry you operate in.The post industrial era has seen the growth of a Global Market Place and with that, International Recruitment Agencies. Watch out for these red flags when selecting the one for your business.