We are living in "The Greatest ... Boom In ... We are ... by ... but most people don't ... them. For example, there are far more ... in direct marke
We are living in "The Greatest Entrepreneurial Boom In
History." We are surrounded by opportunities, but most
people don't recognize them. For example, there are far
more opportunities in direct marketing and internet
marketing today, especially for the small guy, than I
have ever known there to be in the past.
I will be so bold as to say - In 20 years from now
people will look back and wish that they could have
started a business, invested money, bought shares or
property during the early years of the new century,
when there were so many new opportunities.
Those really were "The Good Old Days", and the
exciting reality is - we are living in them.
People in the future will look back and envy what
was truly, "The Golden Age Of Opportunity."
How fortunate we are to be HERE! NOW!
We have more choice of the things we buy, the food
we eat, our lifestyles and our relationships.
We have a longer life expectancy, thanks to
breakthroughs in health care. Most of us are living
in a land of equal opportunities with the freedom
to express our opinions and do almost anything we
want. We have the technology to travel and
communicate with anyone, anywhere.
These days there are a greater variety of job
options than ever before. New doors are constantly
being opened with the dynamic growth in the service,
information and technology sectors of this new global
economy. New opportunities. New career options.
These are fast evolving times and we are experiencing
the greatest technological boom since the invention
of the motorcar, electricity and the telephone.
We are all being affected in some way and not
everyone likes it.
Lay-offs in big business have become a way of life.
Companies are constantly undergoing restructuring
of resources with mergers, takeovers, relocations
and downsizing being the norm. Why is this happening?
With the development of technology, changes have
generally become easier, quicker, and less costly
than ever before.
These changing times bring opportunity especially
for small business. New opportunities for niche marketing,
opportunities to work from home, opportunities to
capitalize on the ageing 'baby boomer' market, and
opportunities to sell to a global market.
It's all happening HERE! NOW! in our lifetime!!!
Most ... ... have a strong passion for their ideas or ... They know what they want and they know what they enjoy doing. Their work becomes their play. The secret to success in10 SHORT MARKETING QUOTES TO ADD PUNCH TO YOUR EZINE, NEWSLETTER OR WEBSITE
1. ... “You can have the best product or service in the world, but if people don't buy - it's ... So in reality it doesn’t matter how ... your new product or service is. The real quA Dream Retirement Or A Rude-Awakening To Financial Reality?
It would be fair to say that most people will find their incomes at least halved the instance they retire from the ... The ... is dropped when suddenly ... they lack the cash flow