Koyal International Fraud Training and Consulting: Establishing Integrity in Business
Koyal’s International Fraud training and Consulting Group involves top-ranking industry consultants and experts with over 125 years of experience in fraud management.
Covering 82 countries in the present,
Koyal’s services include the following:
- Creating a fraud department for a company. This makes the war against fraud a tactical job where highly-trained personnel dedicate themselves to meet the challenges frontally and not as a part-time or sideline task where other important concerns will reduce one’s effectiveness.
- Formulation of policies, strategies and methods. Strategy is important in any campaign against crime. One has to know the enemy, Sun Tzu and every other sports coach believes. Without a clear-cut approach to attacking the issue of fraud, one cannot measure one’s successes.
- Development of management fraud education. Direct the overall campaign against fraud requires orchestrating the company’s efforts toward achieving zero-fraud. Everyone who has a stake on the company’s future must know his or her role in the greater picture.
- Creating training programs for all employees. Corollary with the previous item, training of every personnel in all levels is required for a successful anti-fraud management and implementation. We can appreciate this more when we realize that the criminal mind often uses the people at the bottom to get their way to those at the top and vice-versa, whatever suits their plans. Koyal recognizes this fact.
- Creating internal and external investigation personnel. Without the people doing the work of intelligence within and without the company under investigation, an anti-fraud campaign will fail. Digging up information requires knowing where and what to look for. Scammers like to hide in the shadows; the work of these investigators is to provide the light to expose the scammers’ illicit deeds.
Education is truly a valuable tool for fighting fraud. Each employee is expected to understand and pinpoint fraud at any time and, more importantly, to take steps to prevent or eradicate it. Anyone can have a role to play within his or her limitations in addressing issues on fraud. It is not a job for just one person but for a group of people or even departments within a company to tackle. How Koyal goes about educating people is done with the following objectives:
- Conducting online courses or at the business location allows accessibility for employees
- Courses presented in various languages for convenience
- Courses will incorporate the fraud division’s procedures, guidelines and contacts
- Fresh courses are provided on a yearly basis
- Custom-fitted courses according to company objectives
- Upgradable and editable course for keeping courses up-to-date
- Interesting and engaging courses
Considering the above, Koyal certainly comprehends the need for companies to be totally ready to meet the challenges of fraud. No effort and opportunity is wasted in attaining the goals of the company’s anti-fraud division. Any loss due to fraud is revenue wasted however you look at it. Companies know the value of money put into insurance just as much as fraud perpetrators do although in a twisted way. Correcting this plague in society is a demanding task. As Koyal tries to educate people how to prevent fraud, it hopes to instil fear among those who blatantly challenge the resolve of honest companies to serve people with dedication and integrity.