Make Buying Decisions Quick and Easy for your Shoppers
One of the goals of your dollar store business is to provide your target market with many of the dollar store items they need. When customers come into your store, you want them to make their decisions as quickly and easily as possible.
One of the goals of your dollar store business is to provide your target market with many of the dollar store items they need. When customers come into your store,

you want them to make their decisions as quickly and easily as possible. Here are a few tips to will help achieve that goal.
The overall layout of your store is very important. First of all, you want to separate related products into departments. You certainly do not want customers to be required to travel all over the store to find similar dollar store items. Organizing into departments makes their shopping experience much easier.
It is also important for all of the aisles in your dollar store business to be designed appropriately. If people see an aisle is a dead-end, then they will be less inclined to go down that aisle. Every aisle should also be wide enough to accommodate multiple people and passing shopping carts. It is not a good idea to force customers to press against the shelves just to allow someone to pass. Women shopping with their children may have strollers which prevent them from going down narrow aisles too.
You can also enable your customers to make buying decisions more quickly if you narrow down their selection of dollar store items a bit. If they have less product options, they will spend less time comparing the different items. Make sure you still offer a suitable variety of choices though.
Another important thing to do is eliminate excess products on the shelves. It is not necessary to have 144 of the same product sitting on the shelves if you only sell two or three of that particular item every week. While it is important to ensure there is plenty of merchandise on the shelves, having shelves that are less cluttered is important too. Take action to sell-off the slow selling and non-selling items.
Those running a dollar store business want their customers to find what they are searching for with ease. Having signs will definitely help in that regard. The signs do not need to be too flashy, but they should definitely be noticeable enough to attract attention.
Make sure you provide a comfortable shopping experience for your customers. Your store should not be dirty or they will likely refuse to come back in the future. Therefore, have your employees sweep, mop, or vacuum on a daily basis.
One final idea for your dollar store business is to setup displays filled with impulse dollar store items. These are the items customers do not typically have on their lists but can be tempted to buy once they see them. Place these displays near the cash register or other conspicuous places your customers will pass while in your dollar store.