Very sticky duct tape has the power to hold wounds tightly together out in the field and to very much help contain the bleeding.
The only issue is it becomes a problem when trying to take off the tape from around the area of the wound. However, if and when there is nothing else available, duct tape can be a true god send, and will seal the injured area up very, very tight. You can use duct tape in exactly the same way as you would use athletic tape when treating and injured knee or a sprained ankle. It will help get you moving again, while offering support and coverage while having an open wound.
Lets not forget, In a medical emergency, the importance is all about preventing an increase in severity of the damage or allowing infection to set in, while you make your best efforts to get the injured person to proper a medical facility. If a member of the group you are with has a deep cut that needs to be stitched up, but you have no hospital available for several miles, you would clean the cut the best that you can using the products available to you in your the medical kit you have. and then deploy duct tape to close the cut as taught as possible. Get to a medical center as soon as possible, all the while controlling the blood loss, and keeping the wound clean.
A cut on your bare feet may not be such a big deal back home, but get a nasty one while walking in a tropical or moist outdoor environment, and you’re very much at risk of infection from microbes, and bacteria that can cause a dangerous situation that would need to be treated with antibiotics. Many cases are on record of infection or soft tissue necrosis resulting in future losses of body function, or in the worst cases, that requires amputation.
If you suffer a twist to your ankle or knee, or bust a finger, or even worse, fracture a limb, you can use duct tape to create a strong brace or to assist in creating a splint. The injury would need to be kept as stable as possible to avoid further damage, and of course to keep the pain levels reduced while getting to a hospital. When fabricating a splint using duct tape, immobilize the broken body part by taping it tightly to a stick, thin branch, or to another body part if possible to have the injured area remain stable.
Duct tape does a great job on warts. The best way to use it is to apply wart remover. let the wart dry, then apply a high quality tape directly over the wart. Massage the tape into a very stuck on position, and then about 24 hrs later, put the tape off. The dissolved or partially dissolved wart comes off quite easily. Many times a second application of wart remover and tape will be needed to resolve the affected area.
So many ways to use duct tape to help with medical problems on the spot. Always keep a roll in your camping or survival kit as well as in the home. You never know when you will need it.
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