Mobile Site Is a Core Business Factor
History has shown that businesses have been shifting from one marketing channel to another. Many had failed horribly but business today can learn to survive the mobile era.
When Loren Murphy Berry invented Yellow Pages,
a publisher of directories and provider of classified directory advertising and associated products and services, many marketing departments immediately recognized the potential windfall befalling and began to ride on the endless stream of consumer traffic by printing their products and services on a small column in the thick yellow book. During the most successful period of Yellow pages, many merchandisers enjoyed their shares of revenue and had long fixed their marketing channel on Yellow Pages until Google Inc was founded in 1998. Many corporations then channelled their advertisement effort to today’s most popular search engine, and had gone great lengths to promote their search ranking result. Many senior workers or retirees today would probably share us the struggle and confusion they once experienced during the transition period. By the time these corporations thought that they have comprehended good marketing techniques in internet search engines, a brand new social concept was created yet again. A young breed of engineers went through all means to engineer complicated human relationship into computers through digital avatar, giving other unlimited opportunities to spread foreign brand names. Since then, the world went through another chaotic season as tonnes of apps were introduced into the market by third party developers. Some companies spent heavy of resources trying to explore this niche and some succeeded while others failed. Many do not have an explanation to this.As the economy grow, professional of all trades understand technology innovations will continue to progress rapidly, transforming real life practices into automated systems to drive efficiency as computer scientists continue to explore new codes and algorithms. Furthermore, corporations also know that they should always adapt to the trendiest platform that drives largest traffic to their store. However, the de facto point is to learn and differentiate the core and secondary factors of internet marketing. By doing so, it will reduce significant marketing cost and improve total sales revenue tremendously. As most existing businesses own a core web site that displays their products and services, some integrate e-commerce into their virtual store to provide greater convenience to on-line shoppers to purchase goods and services without leaving the web site. The online store is the core factor of internet business because it serves as the primary provider of particular products and services regardless of how technology innovation evolves. Through any channel that drives consumers to the primary store is secondary business as it changes with the consumer behavior trend. As the economy enters a new information age of mobility, consumers are attracted to higher level of service convenience. It is thus important that the core business website is ready to provide mobile convenience. By adopting HTML 5 today, the company is still an early adopter of mobile web technologies, hence gaining a higher competitive edge to ride on the opportunity. As important as having good interaction with customers, business owners should provide a complete, optimized and seamless environment for mobile consumers to shop at ease.By year 2015, endless predictions indicate higher than 95% penetration in mobile services or subscriptions in all developed countries and cities. Almost everyone walking on the street will own a mobile device, accessing to more information at any time. It seems it is only a matter of time when all enterprises will truly recognise mobile web site is a core business factor before the next improvised technology appears.