The quickest way to increase your income is to raise your fees.
Raising your fees is the quickest way to increase your income because the money goes straight to your bottom line (think of "bottom line" as "directly into your bank account").
But as appealing as this probably sounds, the idea of raising your fees may cause you to feel a sudden lump in your throat and your hands to go clammy. Well, have no fear! Here are 4 ways you can pave the way for your clients to comfortably say "yes" when you announce your new fees.
Acknowledge Success Early
Don't wait until you're ready to raise your fees to acknowledge the goals you've helped your clients achieve. Instead, make it a point to check in every 30 - 60 days to take stock of what milestones have been reached. Even better, ask your clients to chart their success in writing using a summary form. Seeing their accomplishments in writing adds a real sense of value that might otherwise be missed.
Create A Strong Personal Bond
The more your clients feel that they know who you are the stronger and more personal your relationship with them will be. Focusing on your relationship along with results creates a strong personal bond that your clients will be reluctant to break just because you 1increase your fees.
Listen Deeply And Act Quickly
By listening carefully you can easily pick up ideas and inspiration for new service or product offers that your clients would love to receive from you. Act quickly to implement your ideas and your clients will be thrilled at your responsiveness to their needs.
Share What's New And Upcoming
People love to be the first to get in on a new offer (and hate to be left out!). By sharing in advance what new and exciting ideas you have coming up soon you create a feeling of anticipation that your clients won't want to give up quite so easily. Is this manipulation? Nope. It's just understanding that people love to look forward to something new so why not let it be something new from you?!
The act of raising your fees doesn't start with announcing a new number. Follow these simple tips and by the time you ARE ready to announce your new number, your clients will be prepared to understand and value WHY and will comfortably stick with you and your your new rate!
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