Recycle plastic this Recycle Weeks time

Jun 28


Daniel Kidd

Daniel Kidd

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Recycle Week is at present running until June 24th and provides the perfect possibility to recycle all types of plastic items.

Everything from plastic jars and bottles to plastic measuring spoons and spatulas can be reused,Recycle plastic this Recycle Weeks time   Articles yet make sure that no black or brown plastic gets mixed in with it.
People in the UK use around fifteen million plastic containers every day, as they have such a wide range of uses due to the special properties of plastic.
They first came into use 65 years ago and it is thought that this year’s Olympic Games to be held in London will increase the need for plastic water bottles.
Councils across the UK are emphasising the need to recycle plastic this Recycle Week as less than 50 per cent of that used goes into recycling bins.
‘Wash it and squash it’ is becoming the unofficial call to action and households are reminded that plastic items are not just located in the kitchen but also in the bathroom as well as the shed.
The impact on the environment of recycling more plastic is shown through the following fact: recycling 15 million plastic containers every day would likely equate to the same as taking 73,000 cars off the road for 1 year.
There is no excuse as 90 per cent of local authorities now have the facilities to recycle plastic, whether it be through kerbside collections or at recycling centres.
Councillor Anthony Blagg, cabinet member for environment and waste said: "The week reminds residents what can now be recycled such as food tins and drink cans, aerosols and biscuit tins, juice cartons, paper, all types of cardboard including egg boxes and glass bottles and jars."
In order to recycle plastic it is sorted into the different types and then shredded, washed, melted and pelletised.
It can then be melted down directly before being moulded into a new shape in order to take on a different function.