If you don’t know the difference between asphalt and fiberglass, and have little idea what a shingle does, you’re not alone. Before making changes to your roof, take time to understand all the options available to you.
If you’re ready to give your home a much-needed makeover,

or have an old and leaky roof that’s clearly seen better days, it’s probably time to call a roofing contractors to the rescue. However, with so many options out there both in terms of finding a professional to complete the job, and in what materials are available to keep your home safe from the elements, repairing or replacing your roof can seem like quite the overwhelming task.
While most homeowners don’t have an intricate knowledge of roofing, it’s fairly easy to spot a roof that isn’t working as well as it should. Gaps, shingles that have come loose or rotted away, nails or staples that are not firmly affixed, and visible holes in between shingles are a sign that it’s time to start improving your home from the top down. Depending on the type of materials being used, a homeowner may have to replace his roof once every 10-15 years, or just once a century.
A majority of homes in the United States today have either wooden or asphalt shingles, popular choices because they hold up well in a variety of different climates. In particular, wooden shingles actually improve in aesthetic value as they age, taking on a weathered look that adds a touch of distinction to the home. However, these shingles are not immune to the toll the elements can take on the home, and are susceptible to disintegration, developing mold or mildew, or even coming off the roof entirely as a result of bad weather conditions. Wooden shingles typically last 30-50 years, and can be pressure-treated to make them resistant to fire, without affecting the look and the level of protection afforded by this sturdy material.
While asphalt shingles are the most inexpensive and easy-to-install of all the roofing options, they are designed to be a more short-term solution, and need to be replaced approximately every 10-15 years. However, they hold up well to extremely hot and cold temperatures, and are relatively sturdy, making them an ideal choice for climates that see four distinct seasons. They are also naturally fire-retardant, providing an additional level of safety for the homeowner.
For this reason, there have been materials developed specifically to suit the roofing needs of people who live in areas where heavy rain, snow, and wind is a common problem. One such solution is updating existing roofing materials with metal shingles. Although the cost of installing metal shingles is higher than if you were to choose wood or asphalt, most homeowners consider it a worthwhile investment in the future of the home, since they only need to be replaced once every 50 years, and designed to endure heavy rain, wind, and snow.
As time progresses, more environmentally-friendly options are being developed to suit a large variety of roofing needs, making solar shingles an ideal option for the household that’s a bit more eco-focused, but still concerned about the rising cost of energy bills. This is not an inexpensive option, and a relatively new one, so homeowners may have difficulty finding the right contractor for the job without first doing some research. However, it is the option with the greatest number of long-term benefits.
Whatever material you choose, it’s important to keep in mind that quality product is only half of the job. Choosing the best roofing contractors for your needs is imperative in getting the kind of reliable, durable, and aesthetically-pleasing results you want for your home, so take the time to shop around. While it may take a little bit of time and effort on your part, it’ll help you save big in the long run.
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