Pearly White Papules: Getting Treatment and Information
Whether they have just begun to develop or you've had them since you were old enough to remember, pearly white papules are nothing anyone wants to notice on their penis. Here is the information you need about what's going on and the treatment you can get for the problem.
Whether they have just begun to develop or you've had them since you were old enough to remember,

pearly white papules are nothing anyone wants to notice on their penis. It might be understandable if you were concerned about their sudden appearance. Perhaps your doctor has told you that it's nothing to worry about, but you're disturbed to think about another person's reaction. Maybe you've never had the courage to bring it up to your doctor in the first place. Here is the information you need about what's going on and the treatment you can get for the problem.
First of all, it's important to understand that you may not have a problem at all. This is why seeing a doctor is essential in the beginning stages of any abnormality on your skin. If you're sexually active and bumps have begun forming on your penis, getting a health checkup isn't even a question; it must be done. That said, the Internet is filled with pictures of pearly white papules if you run a search. If what you have matches the pictures, there is probably nothing to worry about. There aren't any STDs that closely mimic that appearance. This is nevertheless not an excuse to skip your doctor's appointment. Only a physician can determine for certain what it is you're dealing with.
Let's say you have already been to the doctor and your abnormality has already been identified as pearly white papules. That's good! While you may not care for the way they look, take comfort in the fact that they have absolutely no bearing on your health. Of course, that's only half the story. Unless you want to explain the blemishes to every sexual partner you have (in one of the most uncomfortable conversations you'll ever have), you may want to have them removed. It's easy for a doctor to say that removal is unnecessary, but if a partner thinks you have a genital disease, you may disagree.
If you are a teenager and are dealing with pearly white papules for the first time, there is good news. Many cases go away by the time an adolescent finishes puberty. Doctors have theorized that they arise as the result of hormone imbalances during this time. Once those correct, this unpleasant side effect often goes away. If this wasn't the case for you, however, you might want to look into treatment. There are several medical procedures that can be safely used to get rid of the bumps and return you to a pristine condition. Talk to your doctor about your options.