The Last Thing You Want Is Waste
The last thing that you want when starting a new project, especially some sort of efficiency project, is chaos. Everybody remembers the famous scene i...
The last thing that you want when starting a new project,

especially some sort of efficiency project, is chaos. Everybody remembers the famous scene in that dinosaur movie when Jeff Goldblum starts talking about Chaos Theory and all of the bad things which can happen when anything is left up to chance. Now the chance of having your factory overrun by dinosaurs is pretty low, but it can be overrun by other types of problems that stem from inefficiency.
Wastes that cost you time and money is the real enemy and you should be or have an expert on hand which can point them out and then implement corrective measures to fix them. They always say that it's a waste of time and money, but really, if you are wasting time then by default, you are wasting money. Because in this fast paced, never sleeping world economy that we find ourselves in, there is not enough time to keep up with all of the demands of everyday company.
And so when we lose that time, we are losing money. But unlike money, nobody is printing up more time. Once it is gone, it is gone for good and you're never going to get it back. So in all reality, time is more valuable than money by almost anybody's calculations. So you do not want to waste money, but you unquestionably do not want to be wasting time. Everyone is busy and everybody has too much to do, but in the big scheme of things, everybody can find a little bit of time to straighten up their way of doing things.
This means tidying up not only their work space, keeping things neat, but tightening up the process in which they do their tasks. Everybody knows that there are wastes just hanging around in everyday tasks, making you do things a little slower, a little more convoluted. And that is natural because most people use these times, these slower moments that take a little longer than they should, to slow it down.
To catch their breath and to regroup from the frantic pace of everything else in their lives. Take for example the worker that has to walk half-way across the plant to get the next batch of supplies for the job that they are currently working on. Do they ever make a b-line for the supplies and come right back? I guess it does happen, but most of the time there is a little bit of deviation form the straight path, and this is where time is being wasted.