There are many different types of used forklift parts which make up the construction of a counterbalanced fork lift truck that it is important to familiarize yourself with.
When searching for used forklift parts it is important that you familiarize yourself with all of them so you understand the details of each. The main part of the fork lift that you should be familiar with is known as the truck frame. This is the base of the vehicle that pretty much everything else is attached to, the mast, wheels, axles, counterweight, power source and overhead guard. The fuel tank and hydraulic fluid tanks are often built right into the frame as well. Speaking of the counterweight, it is typically a heavy piece of metal that is built into the back of the frame that helps to balance out the weight that is being carried in the front of the vehicle.
The next of the fork lift parts which is also a very important part of the assembly is the cab. This is where the operator of the vehicle sits and as such it contains the seat as well as the controls, leavers, switches, and readouts. It can be either open or closed, but either way it will be protected by an overhead guard assembly. This overhead guard is extremely important because it protects the driver of the vehicle from any falling debris that may injure the driver. Often times this is built right into the frame itself.
The mast is another one of the more important used forklift parts because it is the section that does all the work when it comes to raising and lowering the loads. It is constructed out of interlocking rails that often use bushings and rollers as guides. It is either operated using hydraulic cylinders, or by a system of chains depending on the type of fork lift you have. A hydraulic motor may also be included in some models. Hydraulic cylinders, also called tilt cylinders, are used to pivot the mast in order to help lift the load.
The power source is also one of the essential fork lift parts as it is what powers the vehicle. It can either be a typical internal combustion engine or it may run purely on a battery. In some types of counterbalanced fork lift the power source may also act as the counterbalance in order to maximize space.
The two last used forklift partsthat this article will cover are the carriage and the load back rest. The first of these two is important because it carries the load and it is attached to the forks. It moves up and down along with the load. And finally, there is the load back rest which is connected to the carriage, either by welding or bolts and its main purpose is to keep the load from moving around when it is on the carriage, especially when the carriage is at its full height.
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