The Top Selling Departments when Opening a Dollar Store Might Include . . .
If you are opening a dollar store it is likely one of the burning questions you have right now is exactly which departments will provide the greatest volume of dollar store sales for your soon to open dollar store business. After all, the last thing you want is to hide these important departments from customers who enter your store. You want to make sure you properly position the layout of these high selling departments to maximize your dollar store sales.
If you are opening a dollar store it is likely one of the burning questions you have right now is exactly which departments will provide the greatest volume of dollar store sales for your soon to open dollar store business. After all,

the last thing you want is to hide these important departments from customers who enter your store. You want to make sure you properly position the layout of these high selling departments to maximize your dollar store sales. You also want to make sure these departments are prioritized for merchandise reordering so they never run out of the important products shoppers want and need.
• Household cleaners and cleaning supplies
When opening a dollar store it is important to never underestimate the high levels of dollar store sales which will come from a well-stocked household cleaners display. Shoppers will expect to find all the basic cleaners they routinely use.
• Health and Beauty
Everyone needs many of the items sold in the health and beauty department of your store. This includes items ranging from the simple toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss to shampoo, conditioner, hair gel and hair spray, combs, brushes and so much more.
• Paper Products
Once again, products everyone needs and routinely uses. Whether it is bathroom tissue, paper towels, or napkins, the demand is huge. Keep a good supply of all these in-stock and easily found to keep shoppers returning to your store.
• Snacks and Food
Many store owners treat these as two unique departments. No matter how you decide to manage them, snacks and grocery sales can be huge. Many find these products fly off the shelves almost as fast as they are placed on display. Align the items you carry to the specific needs of your shoppers. You are always safe starting with a good assortment of these items and then building inventory around shopper preferences and feedback.
• Party Goods
Do not allow yourself to be lulled into the ignoring the sales which can be generated because you offer a good assortment of party goods. Be sure to offer greeting cards for every holiday, gift wrap, ribbons and bows, and party napkins, plates and utensils. The potential list should grow to meet the needs of shoppers. Weddings, birthdays, holidays and so much more should be included in your inventory.
So here there you have it; if you are opening a dollar store the top selling departments will likely include household cleaners and cleaning supplies, health and beauty products, paper products, snacks and food, and party goods. While your customers’ tastes may mean there is some difference, for most stores these are the departments which can be counted on to provide dollar store sales without fail.