When the World Trade Center in New York was ... business people didn't know quite how to react. Sadly, we had never seen a disaster on this ... should we respond? Should we close our d
When the World Trade Center in New York was attacked,
many business people didn't know quite how to react.
Sadly, we had never seen a disaster on this level.
How should we respond? Should we close our doors in
mourning? Or should we put our heads down and keep on
plugging in the face of terrible sadness and adversity.
Within a few days, after business owners had heard from
their customers, most figured out the best way to respond.
Businesses everywhere expressed their grief and
condolences, then directed customers to consider
contributing to a relief agency.
While customers might have felt a business that didn't
acknowledge events was being uncaring, most appreciated
seeing a statement of condolences on a web site, a line in an
ad, or a sign on a store.
But that alone isn't enough. Customers want to know you
are doing your part to help the situation. Working with a
non-profit is an excellent way to do this.
How to Profit in a Recession
How To Profit in a ... Kevin ... all over North America are telling me business is slow."I can't say there isn't any ... Bob ... "It's justthat it's daHow to Be Remembered
If a prospect says "who are you?" when they see you, you're ... If you aren't a ... ... then your ... going to stand out in the ... mind either. Here aresome straHow To Build Your Money-Making Email List
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