Successful working women have many things to overcome. Will you find a successful working woman who fit these misconceptions? Yes. But the truly successful working woman is the antithesis of these misconceptions. She will bend but not break in living her truth.
Successful working women have many things to overcome.
1. She doesn’t need love and attention. Not true! Successful working women thrive on love and attention. They value positive recognition, honest feedback, and respect. There’s a picture of a woman moving fast, climbing, and earning in a blur where she doesn’t stop to smell the roses. False!
2. She is only a Type A personality. The successful working woman may possess and demonstrate type A personality traits but she also has the capability of the opposite traits. She does know when to slow down, take care of herself and unplug to reenergize.
3. She is callous and uncaring. The working woman, contrary to popular belief, does care about the impact of her actions. Her radar is turned on, knowing who is influenced by what she does. She is successful, in part, because of her caring and understanding nature toward others and her environment.
4. She will do anything to be successful. The successful working woman has a set of core values that will only allow her to behave according to her integrity. This is a non-negotiable point.
5. She has the perfect life. Everything isn’t always what is appears to be. Women are envious of the successful working woman but they fail to see they have the same worries, challenges and fears they do. The main difference is the successful working woman has learned to address these worries or challenges in an effective, positive and rewarding way.
Will you find a successful working woman who fit these misconceptions? Yes. But the truly successful working woman is the antithesis of these misconceptions. She will bend but not break in living her truth.
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