Did you know you could use Twitter to bring local clients to your business? You can create a buzz, get clients in the door in hours or create a ton of fans who talk about your business. Discover the tools, sites and tactics that help attract clients locally, with Twitter.
Twitter is a great marketing tool. Many people might make the mistake of thinking that it’s only for online businesses, but Twitter will bring a ton of business to a local brick and mortar shop.It takes a bit of work to turn your Twitter page into a marketing machine, but there are a number of ways to accomplish just that.Get familiar with Twitter. There are a number of resources available online which teach the basics.Who are all these people following your Twitter page? Followers are users that like your content and want constant updates. The more followers you gain, the better your marketing. You’ll want to target followers who are both interested in your business and live in your area. Twitter gives you tools to target these users.Use the Twitter search, http://search.twitter.com/ to look for users in your area and locals who are interested in your business. Searching on Twitter requires some shorthand. For example: to search for users in your area, type in “near:Boise within:50mi” or search for people in Boise who like tennis by typing in “tennis Boise”. When you start following some of these users, they will look at your Twitter page and likely start to follow you.The TwellowHood directory (http://www.twellow.com/twellowhood/) allows you to pinpoint Twitter users on a map. Just spotlight on your town and find out whom to follow on Twitter.Once you have a number of followers it’s time to promote your business to them. Remember that your Twitter followers receive all your updates. Some followers even have it forwarded to their cell phones. Use this connection to update followers on everything from daily specials, discounts, special events, and coupons. Twitter acts as a real time messaging system, so you can even tell your followers about things happening at that moment.Use your followers to create a community. Have followers get rewards by passing on coupons to friends with ReTweets. ReTweets gets your customers doing your marketing for you. It is the ultimate Internet word of mouth. Have followers talk about your business on Twitter. Create discussion.Twitter is growing at a rapid pace. Utilize this tool to create a local buzz about your business. Twitter is free to use and simple to learn.
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Your mindset can affect your business. Are your beliefs sabotaging your success?Stop Blaming the Economy and Start Taking Action!
If your business is not thriving like it used to, it's time to stop blaming the economy. Remember, nobody knows exactly how long this economic downturn will last, and some elements of the recession may be here to stay indefinitely. So it's time to adjust to the new climate. Here are some things you can do.Use Google to Grow Your Business
Google provides several amazing tools you can use to help grow your business. When exploring these tools, many of my clients are surprised at the wealth of free information available. While big companies have market research teams who gather and disseminate data, you can do it all on your own with a little effort. With these tools you can conduct great market research that makes getting clients and creating a successful business a lot easier.