Ways That A Small Business Can Benefit For The Six Sigma Process
Six Sigma is often considered by managers of small businesses that find it too difficult, too long and too expensive. In fact, Six Sigma can work for ...
Six Sigma is often considered by managers of small businesses that find it too difficult,

too long and too expensive. In fact, Six Sigma can work for a company size as the end result is always the same: customer satisfaction by reducing errors and increasing profits.
Many CEO's find the six sigma method confusing, but believe it or not, it is actually a problem solver rather than a problem creator. When people have problems, they usually solve them or brainstorm ideas and ways to alleviate and or eliminate the problem. Of course, the toughest problem sometimes lies in actually identifying the problem.
The first step of Six Sigma is to identify the problem, take a trip to the grocery store to see an example of how the method works.
First of all, everyone needs to eat, which usually requires a trip to the store and / or market for the goods to take home to cook and finally eat. The first step is to identify the problem: the fridge is empty so we have to go to the store. Now the problem and the solution are identified.
The next step is to make a list of what is needed to store, analyze, cabinets, refrigerator to see what kind of the missing goods and / or necessary, then create a list of potential food and goods of the family needs. Once a list is made, the draft go to the store can be established.
Once at the store, improvements are made by adding items to the shopping cart based on the list that was written before arriving. Comparing prices and or sale items versus non-sale items does this, sometimes it is cheaper to buy in bulk but the bulk food has to be used within a certain period of time.
After all the goods are put in the basket it's time to go to the cashier, which is the output of the whole, the output is spending just bought. After spending at home and put away, so improvements can be made by looking at the receipt and make sure it matches what has been bought.
Then the following week things start all over again; can a small business CEO use the six sigma method? Absolutely, even with a simple example as a trip to the grocery store one can see that the method does and can work for anyone and for any business.