If you are a rental property-owner, you need to know that your tenants have certain responsibilities towards you and your property. Let us look at a few of them.
The first responsibility a tenant has towards your property is to take good care of it and keep it in good condition. A tenant should be careful with your property and not cause damage due to carelessness - they should treat it the same way as they would their own property. It is also important that they keep it clean. An unhygienic environment can become a breeding ground for pests and mold. It is important to ask your tenants to keep your property clean and in good condition. You should also carry out inspections once in a while.
While carrying out maintenance and repairs is your responsibility, it is the tenant’s responsibility to alert you as soon as they spot something that needs attention. This will allow you to immediately fix problems before they cause further damage or become bigger problems which are more expensive and difficult to rectify. Therefore, it is important to let your tenants know that they have to inform you as soon as they see issues like leaks, problems with the electrical system, etc.
Another responsibility is that of not carrying out any changes to the property without your permission. Such changes can become costly to reverse after the tenant vacates the property. Let your tenant know clearly what kind of renovations are okay to carry out, and what they should seek your approval for. A tenant who carries out permanent changes to your property without your permission can be said to be ‘damaging’ your property.
Yet another responsibility is that of paying to rectify any damages caused. While wear and tear is to be expected, you cannot be expected to pay for damage caused due to tenants’ carelessness, like broken tiles, damage to appliances due to improper use, etc. Such damages are the tenants’ responsibility, and they shouldn’t think that you will pay for fixing them. Taking such a stand will not only save money for you, but also make your tenants more careful with your property.
While these are the responsibilities of your tenants, you should be fully aware of your responsibilities as well. As a landlord, your most important responsibility to your tenants is to make sure that your rental property is always in good condition and has the facilities and infrastructure in place to keep your tenants comfortable. It is for this reason that it is recommended to only purchase high-quality rental properties like Western Heights – Property in Andheri. Properties like Western Heights are of high-quality construction – this helps you to keep the property in good condition with minimum expenditure of time and money. Also, such properties come with world-class facilities and infrastructure.
Make sure that you network with other rental property-owners and property managers to know more about the strategies you can use to boost tenant satisfaction and maximise the yield from your rental property.
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