CNA Certification in Florida Earns Attractive Salary
Certified nurse aides are considered integral part of the health care industry of the state because they are responsible to take basic care of the patients in the health care organization. It is a fact that FL is the 4th most populated state of the US and hence, it is obvious that the number of elderly and ailing people is quite high in the state. Thus, the demand of the certified nurse assistant is continuously increasing in Florida.
Certified nurse aides are considered integral part of the health care industry of the state because they are responsible to take basic care of the patients in the health care organization. It is a fact that FL is the 4th most populated state of the US and hence,

it is obvious that the number of elderly and ailing people is quite high in the state. Thus, the demand of the certified nurse assistant is continuously increasing in Florida.
The applicants wishing to become a nurse aide in FL have to clear the competency evaluation test after passing the background check. It is not compulsory in the Florida to complete the state approved CNA training program to sit in the exam. But at the same time, it is advisable to take the NA training because nurse aide program not only prepares an individual for the Certification exam, but also prepare him/her for the job duties and responsibilities of a nurse assistant. The nurse aide training program in FL can be completed in two to three months.
The Certification exam of nurse assistant in Florida consists of theoretical and practical part, supervised by FL state department of health. Both parts of CNA test are held on a same day and candidates are required to clear both tests to pass the examination.
Passing the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program brings Certification for the candidates along with the permission to apply for registration in the FL Nurse Aide Registry.
A nurse aide has to perform variety of duties while working on the post of certified nurse aide. The duties assigned to the CNAs can be medical as well as non medical. When the nurse assistant gains 2 to 3 years of experience in working as a front office nurse aide, they are transferred to intensive care department. An intensive care or emergency care nurse aides are paid higher salary than a front office nurse assistant.
Certified nurse assistant must also renew the nursing license after every two years otherwise it expires. The renewal form can be collected from the FL Nurse Aide registry’s office.
The applicants must also remember that they should follow the rules mentioned in “Nurse Practice Act” while working as a NA in Florida because violation of rule is subjected to take disciplinary actions by the FLSBN.