A friend CEO recently reminisced about a conversation he had with his executive team. I thought this directly related to so many candidates that I felt compelled to share it with you.
The CEO said to his team, "In order to survive this market without cutting back we must "OUT" our competition. We must, out deliver, out perform, out service, out sell, out market, out price, out satisfy, out prepare and out them with every thing we do. We can't leave anything to chance. If we don't, many of our team will be out and ultimately we may be out."
WOW, pretty powerful stuff. So how does this relate to you - the candidate.
You have to "out" your competition too, or as the CEO said, "You will be out." In this case, out of the running for the job you not only want, but need.
So how do you "out" your competition? Two words, "Proper Preparation." This in my opinion is the all time biggest reason candidates fail. The optimum word is "PROPER." I didn't say candidates don't attempt preparation. I believe they do. The problem is that the preparation is so superficial and vague it is worthless. (See blog entry on "Where's Wes - Not Waldo).
Here are a few tips on how to properly prepare:
If you want to "out" your competition you must be so well prepared and practiced that you stand out. You can't leave anything to chance.
Final note for all of those now thinking, "I already know all this stuff." Great, but are you doing it? We all know a lot of things, the problem is doing them. The bigger problem is doing them at such a high level of skill that they look easy.
To help you "out" your competition we provide a wealth of free resources and tools.Our free audio library is full of helpful subjects, the articles are free to download, our Linkedin discussion group expands the wealth of resources to other qualified people, and we constantly post new stuff to help you "out" the competition. Consider bookmarking our candidate FREE Resource page and check back at least weekly.
If this was helpful please share it with your friends so they also benefit.
We encourage comments and look forward to your thoughts.
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