Dream Job Interviews - How to Respond to the Tough Questions
Job Interviews, specially job interviews for dream jobs are no bed of roses. Often, the queries during these interviews can cause nervousness to even seasoned employees. From the employers' viewpoint, the role of all such job interview enquiries is to obtain as good an idea as they can about the individual under consideration. You will need to remember that the more the interviewers want to learn about you, the better would be the chances to wrap up the job interview successfully.
Job Interviews,

specially job interviews for dream jobs are no bed of roses. Often, the queries during these interviews can cause nervousness to even seasoned employees. From the employers' viewpoint, the role of all such job interview enquiries is to obtain as good an idea as they can about the individual under consideration. You will need to remember that the more the interviewers want to learn about you, the better would be the chances to wrap up the job interview successfully. The inquiries can be very tough and you have to be geared up to respond to them in an unperturbed way.
It is critical that you don't become uncomfortable and end up creating mental blocks about the challenging enquiries even before entering the job interview room. In our view, the severest questions are usually the more universal questions for example 'tell us something about yourself' as they need more time to ponder over in order to give the best reply. You must keep in mind that you will have any prospect of clearing your dream job interview only if you're able to respond to all questions speedily without taking up much time to answer. Taking up a long time puts a very bad opinion in the minds of job interviewers. It reflects that you are unsure about your future plans and what you desire to achieve in life.
The interviewers, apart from observing your self-confidence and correctness of the answers, are interested in the fact that whether you are convinced with your responses yourself or not. Any interviewee who replies with pessimistic answers can obviously rule himself/herself out of the race. People don't prefer to have demoralized peers in their environments. Wouldn't you favour working alongwith someone who is ardent about his/her duties and looks ahead to every day at work.
In case you require some more time to reply to a specific question, you must politely ask the interviewers for a couple of minutes to think. They too empathise that certain queries can be hard and demand time to reply. Interviewers are humans just like you.
The most simplistic queries can oftentimes look the hardest if it is a dream job interview that you are appearing for. E.g. if you are inquired about your fortes during the interview, though you might be well aware of the abilities that put you apart from the rest, the nervousness can make you uneasy at that minute. It's critical that you gather yourself and take a deep breath. Try thinking out of the box and picture unique situations based on the queries that you might be asked.
Never enter your dream job interview with a fearful state of mind. Only because you're very tenured and have scores of experience to demonstrate on your CV doesn't mean that you can act superior. Unless you exhibit a positive mindset, the job interviewers will not take any interest in taking your candidature forward.