What to expect from a Door Supervision course?

Jun 10


Carl S Liver

Carl S Liver

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If you want to work in the private security industry in the United Kingdom, you must have a license from the security industry authority. Taking a sec...


If you want to work in the private security industry in the United Kingdom,What to expect from a Door Supervision course? Articles you must have a license from the security industry authority. Taking a security guard course, preferably an SIA training course can help a person prepare for their certification and licensing requirements. SIA training will really help a person learn the ins and outs of working in the private security industry. When a person completes a security licensing course, they will have the knowledge of what to do and what not to do in certain situations. Let's take a look at exactly what a person learns in a door supervision course.

There are actually four modules in a SIA door supervision course. There is the core learning module, which will give you the basic knowledge needed in the security field. There are the door supervisor specialty modules, which is more specific to door related security and will teach an individual what they need to know to perform that task. The conflict management part of the training teaches a person how to properly diffuse a situation that could turn violent. By learning to do this a door supervisor can help prevent injuring himself or another person. Finally there is the physical intervention skills part of the training. This final part of the training will teach an individual how to handle themselves if the situation does indeed turn physical. All of these training modules are thorough and cover all subjects in great detail. You can see that security personnel completing these modules are more than prepared for the job.

The key to working door security is to be calm even when tensions are rising. A person working security, especially door security, should never be confrontational. They should try to mediate all situations in a calm manner. They should be firm in their approach, yet friendly at the same time. Lesser qualified door supervisors end up in physical confrontations more often when compared to their more qualified counterparts. The training that a person receives during the SIA course ensures that they will fall into the more qualified category of security personnel. Physical conflicts will be avoided, and if things do indeed turn physical, the door supervisor is able to end the physical confrontation in a professional manner with minimal injury risk to him or others.

The proper training is crucial in turning out the right door supervisors; the SIA door supervision training provides an excellent base for all security personnel.