Technology is advancing so quickly, even the industry cannot decide what to call the mobile devices we use to keep in touch with each other.
Do you remember the first cell phone you ever saw? In 1983,

the first commercial cell phone call was made on a phone weighing 48 oz and costing $4000, hardly a bill you want to take home to your spouse. Can you imagine carrying that thing around in your pocket? I don`t even want to imagine the conversation that might take place over that large of a lump in your pants or coat pocket. You`d never make it past airport security! Cost - $4000; weight - 48 oz; Portability - 0. Things were bound to change. Today we have the smart phone, and even with the invention of the smart phone, it is now, even as we speak, evolving into something else again according to the industry: a messaging device.
Technology is advancing so quickly, even the industry cannot decide what to call these mobile devices we use to keep in touch with each other. Ultimately, the Smart phones, AKA PDA`s or PIM`s (Personal Information Managers), have an OS (Operating System) and local data storage which differentiates them from the rest of the cell phone world. The other defining applications of the smart phone seem up for debate, but ultimately allows for opening large documents and PDF`s. Once reserved for the sole use of busy professionals, use of the smart phone went main stream as the prices have fallen. A typical smart phone can be had for anywhere between US $49 and $249. However, there are exceptions.
Samsung smart phones are priced anywhere between free and $299. These phones include email, Bluetooth technology, cameras, global readiness, instant messaging and mobile broadband. According to the Blackberry website, their smart phones include email & texting, instant messaging, phone, social networking apps, browsers, organizers, GPS, Blackberry maps, and a tethered modem. You can also spend money on a Blackberry through these apps: ticket master, Blackberry wallet and Blackberry App World. Of course your smart phone wouldn`t be complete without a camera, video recording capabilities and a media player and media sync.
The new Black Berry Curve 8900, priced at a notable $649 at Best Buy, seems to do everything but your laundry. Applications include product Features such as wireless networks, high speed Wi-Fi internet access and browsing, messaging and email, Bluetooth, USB ports, 3.2 megapixel digital camera, external caller ID, GPS and maps for those of us who are eternally lost, hands free speaker phones and lots of talk time.
AT & T describes smart phones as `all-in-one devices that fit in your hand.` You can purchase an AT & T smart phone for $99 - $299 and they will include Bluetooth, camera, GSM and GPRS, push to talk convenience, video, text messaging, video messaging and wireless email.
Much of the confusion lies in the fact that many high-end cells are being called by the moniker `smart-phone.` Industry insiders and consumers alike are confused and starting to lose that tag since it is rapidly becoming a has-been in the tech world. Industry standards insist a phone deemed as a `smart phone,` be based upon its ability to be programmed. The OS function in smart phones allows the consumer to purchase software to customize the phone to their particular needs. One caveat though; with all of the program-ability, comes the danger of malware, something a regular cell phones are not susceptible to.
It looks like in the final analysis; the industry might be hanging a new tag on the smart phone ... obsolete. The new Sony Ericson M600 dropped the name completely and is now simply called a messaging device.