Interpreting Body Language is Essential in Interpreting Verbal Languages
Body language is sometimes overlooked as a means of communication. In reality, though, it is an integral part of any human interaction, including interpreting services.
Interpreting is a complex process and yet an integral part of communication. However,

there are some factors that help interpreters to make the job easy and more advantageous. There is a common saying that states, “Actions speaks louder than words.” This could be true, but how?Interpreting is an intellectual process of comprehending and rendering verbal message between two or more persons who do not speak the same language. There are several types of interpreting services, and yet a number of ways to render messages in communication. Phone interpreting is one of the ways to render information to the target audience. However, it is considered as one of the most sensitive ways of interpreting conversation as well. This is because; body language is essential and crucial for the audience and interpreter to be able to understand more about the language, thoughts and ideas of the source.In some cases, like court interpreting, especially in dealing with legal issues like solving a murder case, it is very important that both the witness and the interpreter are present during the actual hearing. To understand more about this matter; what is body language? Why are interpreting services far more accurate if it is associated with body language?Body language is the non-verbal communication that we usually make especially when speaking, which consists of facial expression, hand gestures, body posture and eye movements. The truth is, body language is one of most influential aspects to judge a person and his language. Studies suggest that vision is prevalent in communication, and is so also in the interpreting process. Hence, visual displays play a big part in interpreting services.Interpreting is prevalent in communication and body language is deemed valuable in interpreting. Body language can actually tell a person whether he or she is telling the truth, aggressive and threatening. Thus, body language is important in rendering an accurate message in interpreting services.Furthermore, in some cases like court interpreting, tone of voice is important in judging whether the person involved in the case or the interpreter itself is rendering the right information to the right audience. Just like translation, interpreting services is required in different situations such as business meetings, international organizations, medical studies and etc.In addition, the most effective kind of interpreting that leads to most accurate oral communication is through face to face interpreting. This is because this type does not deny the access for cultural diversity, body language and avoids technical errors.To sum up, communication is crucial in every communication that humans conduct, and since the world is multilingual, people, especially business corporations, government leaders and the media, should assure that an accurate message should be disseminated