If you are not using reporting as a way to promote your organization and its mission and services, you are missing a remarkable opportunity.
Reports to your board, funders, donors and partners often have to be done, so it makes a lot of sense to make them work to your advantage. If reports are not required, doing them anyway gives you the same opportunity to promote your work and serves as an anticipatory move that will give you an advantage the next time you make a request for funds or action.
Here are some ways that you can use reporting to your benefit:
One key to getting the most benefit from reports is to treat them as something important and helpful, not as something annoying that must be done. Spending time and/or money on the preparation of a report and then forgetting about it does not make sense. If you include report preparation and use into your strategic and tactical planning you will reap benefits, because you will make sure it fits properly into everything you do.
A last piece of advice, read your reports. Read the ones that staff or consultants write for you. This will keep you from being embarrassed. Read past reports. This will provide you perspective.
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