If you want to the address and name for a certain unknown cell phone number, the best bet is using a reverse cell phone directory.
The Internet continues to make things possible that were not possible just a few years ago. A cell phone reverse lookup is something that now anybody can quickly do in a matter of minutes. The only difficult part in the whole matter is finding a reliable directory that is capable of providing the most comprehensive information in regard to almost any mobile number in the country.
Cell Phone Reverse Lookup - Reasons
There are many possible reasons for wanting to discover the name,

address, and other personal information connected to an unknown wireless number. Some people are merely trying to find out the identity of a call that showed up on their caller ID or recent phone bill. Others are trying to stop persistent telemarketing calls or calls from bill collectors. Still others are looking for the safest and most effective way to stop prank or harassing calls.
Benefits of a Reverse Mobile Phone Search
One of the best benefits of performing this kind of search is that it is done with complete confidentiality. Results can be gathered within seconds from the privacy of your home. Whatever your reason for searching a number, you have instant access available to you for almost any wireless caller's full name, present address, previous addresses, names of the caller's relatives, mobile phone carrier name, other phone numbers owned by the caller, and much more.
Choosing a Trusted Directory
One of the most important features to look for in a good directory is one that frequently updates a database of as many telephone numbers as possible. A good reverse phone directory will not only be able to provide an extensive personal information report for mobile numbers, as well. This means you can also search listed numbers, fax numbers, pager number, VoIP number, and unlisted numbers. Free public directories only provide a name and address for listed landline and business numbers.
The more numbers the directory carries and the more frequently it updates its database, the greater the chances you will have of obtaining the most accurate and up to date results of any search.
You should also check to see how payments are taken in. A good directory will work with Clickbank. What makes this payment processor so good is that they make refunds available for up to two months after a purchase. Any directory that offers quality information will not be afraid to stand behind such a guarantee to its customers.
Don't be fooled by directories that offer "free" results for this kind of search. Personal information connected to mobile numbers is still considered private information. This means that a good cell phone reverse lookup directory has to purchase this information from the telephone companies that own the data connected to the mobile numbers.
So, when you are looking to obtain the results of your search, the directories expect to be compensated for the expenses they incur to compile and keep the information updated in its database. Any directory that advertises "free" results will provide the very limited information and expect to be compensated for what they will term as a "full report".