Would you rather watch “The Blair Witch Project” or go to a work related training retreat? Don’t know about you but both send shivers down my spine. For most HR managers, the answer to boring training sessions has been to spice it up. But before you pick up the phone to a stand up comedian, if your communication training isn't working maybe you should start more thinking more strategically?!
But you need to be realistic and set tangiable goals. So, first things first. You need an effective internal communication strategy.
Because building a strategic communication plan can turn out to be a proactive approach for accomplishing a much more communicative and efficient workforce. First get your corporate communications in check, all the rest will fall in line like perfectly set dominoes.
What makes companies successful?
They have created a workforce who deeply understands the company’s goals and values, and most importantly, feels united by a unified company culture.
So if you take away one concept from this post let it be this one:
If your employees understand, believe in, and feel represented by your company’s core values, loyalty will be the key factor affecting their decisions.
You know what, here are 4 more steps you should take to make sure you’re on the right track:
1. Start from scratch: Write down your communication strategy
The first step is to stop for a minute and think of the reasons why you decided to initiate a communication plan for your employees: Do you want to focus your efforts on anything specific? Is there something you don’t like about the current internal communication methodology? Or do you just want to improve the overall environment and the relationships between employees? Only after you clarify the reasons behind your decision in creating a new plan will you be able to determine what you want to achieve.
2. Determine your communication strategy’s goalsAfter you understand the main reasons behind your decision to create a corporate communication strategy, it will be much easier to determine what you want to get out of it. Your final goals will be much clearer to achieve if your intentions are clear.
The best way to accomplish your ultimate goal is to give yourself a deadline. Creating a few smaller goals with smaller deadlines in between can also be helpful. Companies are dynamic environments, and a shorter time frame for smaller goals is always better because it adapts to your employee’s specific needs.
3. Identify different communication strategies and adapt them to different internal audiencesBeing familiar with your company’s background starts with knowing your employees’ tasks and roles within the organization.
You can prioritize the different segments or “audiences” only after you have identified them and this allows you to choose the right communication channel and method for each audience you want to address your communication to.
4. Evaluate successThe most important part of building a corporate communication strategy, as well as of any other strategy you plan for your company, eventually comes down to evaluating whether it was successful or not.
What does success look like and how will you know when the goals have been met?
First, return to the your strategy of identifying the ultimate goal you established initially, and compare where you were to where you are now.
Did you follow the time frame you set? What has changed since then? And finally, did the changes bring about the intended benefits?
If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You’ve created an effective communication training strategy!
Enjoy the full article
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