Motorola Milestone – Android Mobile Phone
Milestone phone of Motorola is what users are looking for since long time and they bring it for all of us very soon.

a renowned name in mobile phone industry brings a new revolutionary handset into the market, namely Milestone. As the name indicated, the phone (Droid in US) proves that it has all the ability to fulfill demand of its user. More commonly, the phone comes with superb package of features & applications.
Motorola promoted this latest mobile phone into two different names: Milestone and Droid. But more than that, they came back after such a long shaky performance with something brilliant. Can this Motorola phone deliver what users expect from it? The answer is definitely “Yes”, since it has brilliant design structure as well as specifications. Attractive design casing makes it popular mobile phone over the whole mobile market.
The highlighted feature of Motorola Milestone is its beautiful & long 3.7 inches display screen. The quality of display makes its user feel the real experience of digital life. The Google’s latest version of Android operating system is fully loaded on this mobile phone that gives full satisfaction to its operator in browsing. The plus point of using Android OS is the freedom of using favourite applications right from its desktop by widgets.
According to the company, “The most powerful mobile phone of Motorola came into existence in web browsing known as Milestone (Droid).” The spacious display and faster speed makes navigation & internet browsing comfortable & enjoyable and reduces the painful experience as we use in normal mobile phones or even in smart-phones. The operator of new Motorola Milestone phone gets up to 10.2 Mbps of speed for downloading stuffs and 5.76 Mbps for uploading & sharing files. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and USB port are some other connecting options which you can use for sharing & transferring files to other compatible devices.
A 5 MP camera has been fitted on the back panel of Motorola Milestone that helps is user to takes snaps & develop video clips while they celebrating in party or at any occasion. Rather than just a phone, Motorola’s makes this handset a powerful device in terms of multimedia. Most of the media file formats including WMV has been supported by this mobile. Digital compass and GPS support makes it Motorola’s most popular phone among the youngsters & business personal.
Full QWERTY keyboard makes typing comfortable and gives less pain to your fingers. Accelerometer sensor has also been included so that user can enjoy motion gaming on this Motorola phone. Nobody can complain about its storing capacity, since it comes with 32GB of memory with the help of microSD card. For FM lovers, this phone will disappoint you, since it doesn’t have the ability to play your favourite radio channel. No FM radio in Milestone. Multi-touch input method will definitely amuse you.
This latest touchscreen Motorola mobile will online on various mobile shops of UK very soon. User may compare mobile deals on new Motorola Milestone along with various gift items. Replace your existing phone with this latest device, if you need some better replacement and start searching for cheap contract deals on phone shops of UK.