Pay as you go phones : way to control your expense
Pay as you go phones are available with PAYG deals. These deals are very much affordable and available at every online mobile phone shop.
Mobile phones are making our life simple and convenient. They are no longer a device just to make calls and send text messages. Now these devices are our companion from day to night. Be it listening to music,

surfing Internet, downloading songs or even reading your E-mails on the move. Now you can even read E-books on your mobile phone. This is a device that is necessity and also a extension of your self.
People now a days consider mobile phones as a style quotient. But when you want to buy a mobile phone deal all offers available on-line create confusion. Users do not know what would be best for them. There are three types of deals available in the market: contract, pay as you go and SIM free. Here we will discuss pay as you go mobile phone deals. If your usage is less then these types of deals are suitable for you. In pay as you go you can control your expenses.
You recharge your mobile phone according to your wishes. In contract deals you have to pay a fixed amount every month. But in cheap pay as you go deals, you are incharge of your mobile phone expenses. All popular handsets from all major mobile manufacturers like Sony Ericcson, Nokia, Samsung, etc are available with pay as you go deals. These offers are very attractive. All major network providers in UK such as Orange, Vodafone, Three, O2 and T-Mobile provide Pay as you go Phone deals.
You can get Cheap O2 Payg Mobile Phone with many exciting offers. These deals come bundled with several free gifts like laptops, game consoles, digital cameras, LCD TV’s, X-Boxes DVD players, home appliances, instant cash back offers and much more. Other incentives include free messages, free minutes, etc. Just go through many websites on Internet as many of these on-line portals provide many exciting offers.