Ever wondered what a 'waypoint' is? Read on to find out.
When people refer to a GPS,

they mean a device that is used to identify the location of a person or an asset. In layman’s terms, this definition serves the purpose well. In technical terms, GPS means a sophisticated global positioning system that uses a constellation of Earth-orbiting satellites developed by the U.S. military to triangulate anything’s location on earth. In the last few years, this system has been opened to the general public. Since then, numerous uses have been found for this amazing technology.
GPS maps work in an advanced way. The satellites that orbit the earth make 2 full rotations in a day and at any given time; at least 4 satellites are visible from the earth. A GPS device finds these four satellites and calculates the distance from each of these to triangulate position details. The information consists of latitude, longitude and altitude details.
GPS maps are simply 3-D maps of real world places that help users track a certain location or person. Generally, GPS maps are updated on a yearly basis. The GPS devices have a LCD screen through which you can access the information on these maps. The maps have complete details including elements such as routes, highways, CCTV cameras, government buildings and other important locations. Users can enter the name of the place and GPS navigation system can guide the user towards the specified destination.
Waypoints are defined as coordinates set that classify a location in physical space. Mostly used for terrestrial navigation, these coordinates consists of longitude and latitude figures. More and more GPS systems employ waypoints during navigation applications. A typical GPS device can trace a waypoint within three meters of the actual place. Such is the accuracy of modern GPS devices. Conversely, waypoints can be uploaded on to a GPS device so increase its map’s capabilities.
A Point of interest is not in any way similar to a waypoint. A POI refers to a point on the GPS map that is marked by individuals and has some value attached to it. These are interactive points on the map that serve as a guide to other users. People can mark a spot as interesting just to display the place’s importance. For instance, an electronic shop can be marked to display its prowess as market leader. This can help someone find the best electronics shop in a certain region.
Buying a GPS is as simple as 1-2-3. There are hundreds of online shops to buy one. However, there are some basic things to keep in mind while purchasing one.
1.Check the accuracy of the GPS system. Does it display the location correctly?
2.Are all the waypoints mentioned precisely with latitude and longitude details?
3.Are the POI mentioned on the map authentic and complete with interactive details?
4.Does the screen offer clear visibility?
5.Is there a voice function that can guide users without them looking on the screen while driving?
A device with all these features is sure to come in handy and serve the real purpose of a GPS device. Consider this as a check list before buying a GPS device. Don’t go for high-end, expensive versions if you don’t really need them.