Sony Tipo price in India has been set at Rs. 12,000 which is very affordable given its high end features. Sony Tipo features 3.2 inch screen, 320x480 pixel resolution and has high quality processor to give best of the class performance for all type of applications. Sony Tipo is aimed to target young customers in Indian market.
Micromax X337 feature phone at low price with Bluetooth v2.0
Keeping in mind the affordability of end users, Micromax X337 price has been set at Rs. 2340 only. Also to make it very useful, Micromax X337 has been powered with quality features like Bluetooth for file sharing, good processor and FM radio for entertainment.Micromax Funbook P280 price, Micromax Funbook P280 Tablet with large screen
In recent times, Micromax Funbook P280 price has come down so low that even entry level users who need best value for money proposition can buy this. Micromax Funbook P280 features list is a mixed bag as it has good quality features like FM radio, 7 inch screen but poor quality camera at rear end.Xolo Q1100 price in India, Xolo Q1100 specifications at a glance
Keeping in mind increasing competition, Xolo Q1100 price in India has been set at Rs. 14332 only at online stores. Xolo Q1100 comes with Wi-Fi for net access, Bluetooth for file sharing and 2,000 mAh very good quality battery. Xolo Q1100 offers good value for money proposition to its end users in India.