The Brilliant Samsung Galaxy S2 Offers The Features That Show Off The Screen To Its Full Potential
Just quoting a screen size and resolution is easy, but to back it up with excellent features gives the technology a practical.
Modern mobile handsets are continually evolving. They are becoming more streamlined than ever,

whilst at the same time battery life is improving to give us more us. They are faster than ever thanks to technology such as dual core processors, yet the feature we quite rightly look at first is the screen and this is where the Samsung Galaxy S2 really does excel. At 4.3 inches it is one of the largest screens available, and is backed up with great resolution and clarity thanks to the use of Super AMOLED. All this is useless however if the phone does not provide the kind of materials that enable you to use the display to its full potential, but that need not be a worry with this phone thanks to an array of features that show the screen off in all its glory.To take full advantage of this screen, Samsung have taken their user interface back to the drawing board. The lines off applications we have become familiar with thanks to Android and iPhones worked superbly on earlier edition handsets, but looks tired now, thus Samsung have created "Live Panel", a system that gives the traditional homescreen a layout that is more akin to a glossy magazine. Live panel takes the content you use the most, and places it in a dedicated area, or tile, on your homescreen. Imagine picking up your phone and rather than pressing the weather icon to receive an update, the information is on your screen ready to use. Likewise all manner of tasks can work in the same way, so you can peruse social networking updates, check your appointments or quickly view your latest photos. It is a system that is not only practical, but shows off the screen perfectly, with the detail apparent in these tiles looking crystal clear and vivid. Full customisation is available, enabling you to easily select the information that you want to appear on the screen. The Samsung Galaxy S2 effectively allows you to carry your book collection around with you, all of the time. Imagine setting off on your holidays and not needing to fill your suitcase with books to read by the pool. The Readers Hub gives you access to not only 2 million books, but also allows you to download magazines and newspapers. On previous smartphones, such a feature would never have worked as well thanks to the complexity of the text displayed, however the 480 x 800 resolution on offer hear brings a never before seen sharpness to the characters, really making them appear like a printed book rather than computer generated. For those with visual impairments, the newspaper downloads also feature audio access.These are just two areas where Samsung have made an effort to give us the material to use on the high quality screen. Just quoting a screen size and resolution is easy, but to back it up with excellent features gives the technology a practical use whilst at the same time adding real benefits to the user.The Samsung Galaxy S2 and the Blackberry Torch are available now.