Test your knowledge of LMI Autosense, VLANs, broadcast domains, and more with these free CCNA 640-802, CCENT, and CCNP exam questions from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933!
Here are some free CCNA 640-802, CCENT, and Cisco CCNP certification exam questions for you!
CCNA 640-802 Certification:
In LMI Autosense, how many LMI messages are initially sent by the DTE? How does the DCE respond?
Answer: The DTE sends three LMI messages, one of each type. The DCE then responds a single LMI message.
CCENT Certification:
How does the creation of a VLAN impact the default broadcast domain on a switch?
Answer: As you create VLANs, you're creating multiple broadcast domains, which in turn help to limit the scope of those broadcasts. When a host in a VLAN sends a broadcast, only hosts in that same VLAN will receive it. By default, all ports on a switch belong to the native VLAN, VLAN 1.
CCNP Certification / BSCI Exam:
Name the tables in which the EIGRP successor route can be seen.
Answer: The route and topology tables both hold the EIGRP successor. The feasible successor is found only in the topology table.
CCNP Certification / BCMSN Exam:
You're decided to implement Uplinkfast in your network. What switches should be configured with Uplinkfast, and which ones should not?
Answer: Cisco recommends that Uplinkfast be configured only on wiring closet switches - that is, switches at the Access layer of the Cisco switching model.
CCNP Certification / ISCW Exam:
Describe the basic purpose of a Cisco IOS Authentication Proxy.
Answer: The basic use of a Cisco IOS Authentication Proxy is the use of TACACS+, RADIUS, or local databases to authenticate FTP, Telnet, HTTP, and HTTPS sessions.
CCNP Certification / ONT Exam:
At which level(s) of the Cisco switching model should traffic classification and marking be avoided whenever possible?
Answer: Keep the classification and marking procedure aware from the Core layer, as the Core switches should be left to do what they need to do - high-speed switching!
Look for more CCNA 640-802, CCENT, and CCNP free exam questions from The Bryant Advantage!
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Sharpen your Cisco exam-taking skills with these complimentary CCNA, CCNP, and Security questions! Topics include frame relay, packet filtering, and Uplinkfast.