Cool tips to work efficiently in Windows 7
Windows 7 comes with all new features which can enhance the user experience. Security and ease of use id the new motto for Microsoft and they have incorporated all such features in their new operating system Windows 7.
After the failure of Windows Vista,

Microsoft wanted to make an impact on the market and on the user's mindset as well. Windows 7 has so far been successful in all those aspects as of now. However, there are pros in the new OS as well, however this can be ignored. Using some in-built tools and by performing some simple steps, any user can keep his or her Windows 7 intact and make it work efficiently.
Keep your computer Safe:
First and foremost important aspect is to keep you computer safe from outside threat. If you are using internet (which is most probably sure), then you must use a security software to keep you computer protected from threats available online. Using Antivirus software is a must as it will keep scanning your computer from the malicious software and also provide you a real time protection from all the activities. Also keep the security software updated as viruses are launched everyday and the virus protection software should also be updated with all such information.
Keep removing junk and unwanted files from your computer
After a while, people used to accumulate some junk files in their computer which is not necessary and they take lot of disk space as well. The more stuffed your hard drive is the more time it will take to pull the dat. So it is necessary to keep the unwanted data from your hard disk or at least fo not keep personal data in the system drive.You must also keep performing the Disk Cleanup utility to keep your computer clean.
Uninstall the applications which are not required anymore:
With time we also install so many application where some of them can be a demo or trial versions and some of them we never user anymore. Even if we do not use such application, they take the system resources and also affect the computer performance. You must remove and uninstall all such unrequited application from the system to keep the system and registry clean.
Perform regular system update:
Windows Update is also an aspect which is necessary to make system work effectively. Microsoft keeps launching updates and patches which are compulsory for the operating system to perform appropriately. Make sure threat the Windows Update service is on and it is also set to work automatically so that no update is ever missed.
Apart from that you must also keep your startup clean and make all the programs work on manual commands instead of being loaded on every restart.