Having problems with your sluggish Apple Mac? Here are a few easy tips you can put in to action straight away to get it running like new again.
Apple Mac Laptops like Macbook Pros,

Macbooks and the glossy and impressive Imacs, are famous for their snappy speed and their skill to be able to run many complicated programs at once.
With these elements and their hefty price tag that makes it that bit more annoying when our Mac start to run slow.
If you are experiencing 'mac running slow' symptoms, here are few simple and free steps to consider to get our mac running like new within a few minutes.
Tip One
Observe how many software's you are running at once. Yes a Apple Mac is supposed to be able to run at top speed no matter how many software's and and applications are open, but unfortunately some times life just isn't that simple.
It is always best to have no more than one or two software's or programs opened at once. Otherwise you may well face a slow computer as it can not cope with all the running software's.
Second Tip
If you notice your beloved mac is excruciatingly slow when you are surfing the Internet, and you are sure that is is not your Internet provider, make sure you have no more than five tabs or windows open up at the same time. You are allowed over this number if you require but you will surely notice a dramatic drop in the speed of loading pages.
If your Internet is still running slow with only 1 or 2 windows opens, the next step is to empty your history and cache. Over time your browsing history collects so much information that it can dramatically slow down the speed of your internet browser.
Tip Three
If you still have an issue with the loading speed of your internet, try swapping browsers.
A large amount Apple Mac users use Safari, as it is the default Internet browser on an Apple mac. However, Chrome and Mozilla FireFox are much better and faster. So i strongly recommend you go ahead and install one or both of them.
Last Tip
My last step is probably going to be the answer and the top reason to why you are having mac running slow issues. It needs a deep clean!
Deep cleaning your Apple Mac you are getting rid off any duplicate files and folders and dusty data and forgotten programs and software's that are taking up space.
The anmount of Disk Space you have remaining, is the ammount of storage you have remianing to keep information on your Mac. Just because your new Imac brags about having 250g of disk space, does not mean that you can completely fill it up and expect it to work as good as new. If you have less that 50% disk space remianing, you really need to find an effective
mac cleaner and do some deep cleaning.
Don't panic you don't have to search the entire contents of your mac manually. The best and most effective way to deep clean your harddrive is by using a professional mac defrag and mac cleaner.
Mac cleaners are brilliant as they will completely frees an incredible amount of space a Mac Cleaner Free Trial and your computer will be running like new in 30 minutes