Simple Tips To Make Mac Faster
If your beloved Apple Mac is running slow no doubt it is driving you up the wall. However, no need to stress out as there are a few simple steps we can take to get your tired mac running like new.
If your beloved Apple Mac is running slow no doubt it is driving you up the wall. However,

no need to stress out as there are a few simple steps we can take to get your tired mac running like new.
I bet i an speaking for most when i say, "i hate slow Macs!" Any computer or laptop that takes forever to load really gest my blood boiling. I am usually quite a patient person, but there is noting like a freezing computer screen to puch my buttons.
It is so boring and wasteful waiting ages for a screen or page to load. Time that could be better spent elsewhere. This adds to the frustration.
I personally find it extra frustrating when my Apple Mac is running slow. No offence to Windows computers, but Macs are the latest must have computer. They don't come cheap and we expect them to run smoothly 100% of the time.
If you are finding you Mac is slowing down, there are a few simple steps we can take to get it back to peak performance.
You need to clean it!
99.9% of the time, if a mac is running slowly, it is due to a build up of clutter in your harddrive. This clutter is made up of old and forgotten files and data.
No need to stress about sesrching the dark depths of your mac manually, you can pick out the lurkers with just one click. That is if you have a mac cleaner.
Now we have pinpointed the excuse behind your sluggish mac, the next step it to find a top mac cleaning software...
There are many good ones out there, but i personally recommend MacKeeper by ZeoBIT. When i used them i managed to clear out an impressive 45Gb of rubbish off my computer. My mac was only eight months old. Not only did it free up loads of memory space but it i noticed a massive improvement in the speed as well.