How Doctor Goes For Ginekolog Examination?
You have to go for ginekolog examination because it’s only for your benefits. A woman has to bear several physical problems when she gets married or when she goes through more than one pregnancy.
Women often feel nervous while consulting any gynecologist. It’s a universal hesitation which every woman has during the process of ginekolog examination. Every doctor has different style to provide you complete check up. You need to consult that doctor which you think is best to wipe off your hesitation and nervousness. When you go to the clinic,

doctor meets you in a consultation room. In this room, doctor will ask you about what are the things which have brought you to the doctor? Doctor will also ask you some questions about the menstruation cycle. You have to tell that for how many days, period runs on and if there is any pain you have to bear.
You also have to tell about the sexual activities if you have any due to which doctor can get an idea that which kind of problem you have to go through. Doctor will also obtain some information from you about the pregnancies and gynecological problems if you have in the past time. After knowing about these physical problems, doctor will like to get to know about your family history as well as your daily habits you do for maintaining your body like exercise, diet etc. This is the problem which would be prolonged for an hour so you need to have patience and clearly answer all the questions.
After this question and answer session, doctor will recommend an exam and will ask to nurse to let you go to examination room. In the room, nurse will take your weight and blood pressure and you also have to give the urine sample. Nurse will give you instructions side by side and will ask you to get undressed. You have to put on the gown and have to lie down on the table. Doctor will start the exam by listening to the heart beats and checking the movement of lungs and thyroid glands in the neck.
After it, doctor will check your breasts in order to identify if any lump is inside your breast. While checking your breasts, she will also check your belly for the sake of identifying tender spots. When this exam will over, doctor will move towards taking pelvic exam which is very important. She will ask you to come at the end of table by stretching your legs so that she can observe any infection around your vagina. She will insert a speculum inside your vagina in order to hold it and in order to check the cervix.
Doctor will take the cells by swabbing the cervix and will send it to the laboratory for further results. After taking the cells, she will put on the gloves and will insert her two fingers inside in order to check the size of uterus and ovaries. Through this, rectal exam will also be done properly. Always remember that you have to provide all information to your doctor then your examination will go absolutely fine. A good communication between you and your doctor will always bring useful and positive results for you.