In the UK today, industry would struggle if it weren't for support workers fixing both computers and networks, while advising users on a regular basis...
In the UK today,
industry would struggle if it weren't for support workers fixing both computers and networks, while advising users on a regular basis each week. As we are getting progressively reliant on advanced technology, we simultaneously find ourselves increasingly dependent on the well trained IT professionals, who maintain those systems.
Students who consider this area of study are usually quite practically-minded, and aren't really suited to the classroom environment, and endless reading of dry academic textbooks. If this is putting you off studying, go for more modern interactive training, with on-screen demonstrations and labs. Research over recent years has consistently shown that an 'involved' approach to study, where we utilise all our senses, is much more conducive to long-term memory.
Find a course where you'll receive a library of CD and DVD based materials - you'll learn by watching video tutorials and demonstrations, followed by the chance to fine-tune your skills in fully interactive practice sessions. You must ensure that you see some example materials from each company you're contemplating. You'll want to see that they include instructor-led video demonstrations with virtual practice-lab's.
Go for disc based courseware (On CD or DVD) whenever you can. You're then protected from internet connection failure and issues with signal quality.
Looking around, we find a myriad of work available in Information Technology. Finding the particular one in this uncertainty is a mammoth decision. Perusing a list of IT job-titles is just a waste of time. Most of us have no concept what our own family members do for a living - let alone understand the ins and outs of a specific IT job. Getting to an informed answer only comes via a meticulous analysis covering many unique areas:
* What hobbies you're involved with in your spare-time - often these show the possibilities will satisfy you.
* Why you want to consider starting in IT - is it to overcome some personal goal such as working from home maybe.
* Your earning requirements you may have?
* Because there are so many different sectors to gain certifications for in IT - you'll need to get a basic understanding of what separates them.
* Taking a serious look into the effort, commitment and time that you can put aside.
When all is said and done, the best way of checking this all out is by means of a good talk with a professional who has enough background to lead you to the correct decision.
If an advisor doesn't ask many questions - chances are they're just a salesperson. If they're pushing towards a particular product before looking at your personality and current experience level, then you know you're being sold to. With a strong background, or even a touch of commercial experience (possibly even some previous certification?) then obviously the point from which you begin your studies will be different from someone with no background whatsoever. Always consider starting with some basic user skills first. It can brush up on your current abilities and make the slope up to the higher-levels a a little easier.
An area that's often missed by those considering a training program is 'training segmentation'. This is essentially the method used to break up the program for timed release to you, which makes a huge difference to the point you end up at. Most companies will sell you some sort of program spread over 1-3 years, and send out each piece as you pass each exam. If you think this sound logical, then consider this: Often, the staged breakdown pushed by the company's salespeople doesn't suit all of us. You may find it a stretch to finalise all the modules within their timetable?
In all honesty, the perfect answer is to have a copy of their prescribed order of study, but make sure you have all of your learning modules right from the beginning. You're then in possession of everything if you don't manage to finish as fast as they'd like.