The Best Way to Perform Driver Updates for XP
The latest version of device driver software is required for any computer device to function properly.
An old driver can cause many unfortunate incidents like bad sound output,

program crashes, data loss and even screen death wasting your time, data and money. The process of upgrading device drivers is slightly different for each operating system; hence it is important to understand how to carry out driver updates for XP if you have this OS installed on your personal computer.Driver Updates ToolThe first task to perform driver updates for XP is to identify which version of the driver is installed on your system. For this, click 'Start' button and select 'Set Program Access and Defaults' which lies just below 'My Computer.' Then click the tab 'Control Panel' using the left mouse key to see a list of applications displayed in two vertical columns. From the options on the left column, select 'Performance and Maintenance'.When this option is clicked, a new window will open which will again display various options; select 'See basic information about your computer' which is present under the header 'Pick a task….' The next step to carry out driver updates for XP is to click the option 'Hardware' which is displayed on a smaller window which appears over the previous one. Select 'Device Manager' from the 'Hardware' tab and then click 'Display Adaptor' which is located at the top of the column.Expand this window and right click on the contents to see all the information regarding the driver that is installed on your computer. A menu will also pop up along with the contents from which you should select the option 'Update Drivers' for automatic driver updates for XP. When this is done, a new window will open; choose the option 'Yes, this time only' and proceed to 'Next.' Following this, select the option 'install software automatically' and proceed to 'Next.' The wizard will then search for the latest and current version of the device driver and this process may take a few minutes so wait patiently.If a newer version of the driver is present, then the wizard will install it automatically after which you can select the option 'Finish;' if the version you are using is the latest, click 'Finish' as soon as the search is over. To complete the installation process of driver updates for XP, restart the system after the task. Try it out today itself; it is quite an easy procedure if you follow all the steps correctly.