The Dreaded Zerg Rush, The Most Despised Starcraft 2 Strategy
When the Zerg come rushing in be afraid be very afraid. They won't stop coming. They'll harass and attack until they are all dead or they win. The zerg rush is the last thing your enemy wants to see. So give it to them hard and fast.
The Zerg rush is one of the fastest ways to end a game of Starcraft 2. Build a small tactical force of zerglings and rush your enemies base to catch them with their pants down. Not only the fastest way to victory but the fastest way to infamy. Most non Zerg players will hate you for using this tactic. Although this Zerg strategy appears very simple at first glance it has some fine points to it. Ignore these and you won't get far with it. Once you commit to the Zerg rush you are sacrificing your economy and base defenses. You need to get the most out of your Zerglings to make it worth while. Always have a fall back position in case things don't go so well for you. The only thing sweeter than winning with the Zerg rush is successfully defending one and going in for a quick kill. Leaving you open for extreme ridicule. Look at your Zerg rush as a way to inflict early damage to your opponents economy and if you can take it to a win then great. You must control the Zerg rush to get the best result. Don't just send your Zerglings into the enemy base under their own control. You need to try and isolate each gatherer unit and take them out one at a time. Drones,
Probes and SCV's can churn through Zerglings like butter so be wary. Against Terran opponents you will probably need to break through the choke point as most Terran players wall up and turtle their base. If they already have Marines active take them out one by one. Then crush their SCV's one at a time. Protoss Zealots are tough to kill and can eat Zerglings for a light snack. If you don't see any Zealots you're in luck. Start in on the Pylon that is powering the Gateway. By then there will be a Zealot or two running around. Isolate, surround and exterminate. Then start in on the supply chain. If you're up against a Zerg opponent chances are you'll be up against Zerglings. If you give your Zerglings the Metabolic Boost you have the advantage. At the beginning of the game your enemy may try to set some lame made up BS rules about time limit, no rush crap. Just play along and rush them anyway. The Zerg have an early game advantage so don't let anyone take that away from you. The game is played to win. You are giving up base defense and economy to get a rush off. Nothing cheap about that. If you can go for an early win then do it. Let the losers whine and cry. Zerg don't cry.