Joomla is used all over the world to develop websites of all shapes and sizes. From corporate portals to online magazines and publications, from E-com...
Joomla is used all over the world to develop websites of all shapes and sizes. From corporate portals to online magazines and publications,

from E-commerce to community based portals, from school and church websites to personal and family homepages, Joomla makes it all easy, handy and problem-free!
The website you own becomes your small gateway to the gigantic world of internet. Hence, choosing a right development framework is the way to go on top. For making an outstanding impression, you need a development frame, which is easy, secure and reliable, and it is incredibly easy to say that Joomla encapsulates all! Here are the top five reasons to choose
Joomla web development frame.
1.Inexpensive & Profitable
You don’t need to purchase expensive software and then pay for its license. Joomla is open source software, which only needs its web development cost. However, in return Joomla creates a lot of ways for you to get profit from your online business. Moreover, Joomla also saves you on your search marketing costs, because Joomla web development framework provides a concrete base for SEO web design. Its search and indexing extensions turn your website into an SEO friendly site, thus making your site come on the top search rankings, without much marketing.
2.Constant Community Support
Joomla is run by 200,000+ active community users. So if ever you face problems while adding new products, images or managing the back-end of your website, you can get instant plus totally free help from its community members.
3.Quick Bug Fixing
After every six months, Joomla gets updated into a newer and better version with better bug-fixing and improved features. If you are a Joomla Web Developer, you can easily upgrade your website by simply following the guidelines. However, if you hire professional Joomla developers, they will upgrade your website perfectly to the latest version without any loss of data or modifications in the interface.
4.8000+ Extensions
Joomla currently serves 8444 extensions to its users, offering you 8444 ways to make your website feature-rich and engaging. Moreover, you can also choose custom-made extensions to fit your specific requirements much perfectly than any other web development frame.
5.Trustworthy and Reliable
Joomla is trusted by world’s big and top notch companies. If you are a Joomla web developer, you can easily enjoy the trust of millions of customers and companies. About 2.7% of all the websites existing today are running on Joomla, that proves it is secure, reliable and a great framework to build feature-rich websites on.
You can create dynamic websites, community oriented applications, online magazine sites, intricate business directories and other online applications with ease and security, using this amazing technology called Joomla, serving as your most powerful bridge to the online world!