Should you be wanting to study a course to qualify for an MCSE, it's likely you'll come into one of two categories. You might be ready to enter the wo...
Should you be wanting to study a course to qualify for an MCSE,

it's likely you'll come into one of two categories. You might be ready to enter the world of IT, and you've discovered that the IT industry has a huge demand for qualified people. Instead you could be someone with a certain amount of knowledge ready to consolidate your skill-set with the MCSE qualification.
As you find out about training providers, stay away from those that cut costs by failing to use the latest Microsoft version. Over time, this will frustrate and cost the student much more because they've been learning from an out-of-date syllabus which will need updating very quickly. A company's mission statement must be based upon doing the best thing for their clients, and the whole company should care about what they do. Career study isn't just about passing exams - the procedure must also be geared towards guiding you on the best course of action for you.
A fatal Faux-Pas that students everywhere can make is to choose a career based on a course, instead of focusing on the end result they want to achieve. Colleges are stacked to the hilt with unaware students who took a course because it seemed fun - instead of the program that would surely get them the career they desired. Don't be part of that group who choose a training program that on the surface appears interesting - and end up with a certification for an unrewarding career path.
You also need to know your feelings on career progression and earning potential, and if you're ambitious or not. It makes sense to understand what the role will demand of you, what qualifications they want you to have and how you'll gain real-world experience. Take advice from an industry professional, even if you have to pay - as it's a lot cheaper and safer to find out at the beginning whether your choices are appropriate, rather than find out after two full years that you aren't going to enjoy the job you've chosen and have to start from the beginning again.
Accredited exam simulation and preparation software is crucial - and really must be offered by your training supplier. Be sure that the simulated exams are not only asking questions on the correct subjects, but are also posing them in the exact format that the real exams will structure them. It really messes up people if the phraseology and format is completely different. Simulations and practice exams are invaluable for confidence building - then when the time comes for you to take the real thing, you don't get uptight.
The way in which your courseware is broken down for you is often missed by many students. In what way are your training elements sectioned? And in what order and what control do you have at what pace it arrives? You may think it logical (with training often lasting 2 or 3 years to gain full certified status,) for a training company to release a single section at a time, as you complete each part. However: Maybe the order of study insisted on by the company won't suit you. What if you find it hard to complete each and every section within the time limits imposed?
The very best situation would see you getting all your study materials sent to your address right at the beginning; every single thing! This way, nothing can happen down the line which could affect your capacity to get everything done.
Students who consider this area of study are often very practical, and don't really enjoy classrooms, and poring through books and manuals. If you're thinking this sounds like you, go for more modern interactive training, where learning is video-based. We see a huge improvement in memory retention when all our senses are brought into the mix - educational experts have expounded on this for many years.
Find a course where you'll receive a library of CD and DVD ROM's - you'll begin by watching videos of instructors demonstrating the skills, and be able to hone your abilities through virtual lab's. Always insist on a training material demonstration from your training provider. You'll want to see expert-led demonstrations, slideshows and virtual practice lab's for your new skills.
Some companies only have access to training that is purely available online; sometimes you can get away with this - but, think what will happen when you don't have access to the internet or you only get very a very slow connection sometimes. It's preferable to have CD and DVD ROM materials which removes the issue entirely.