As an early read, the P.S. works to compel the prospects to delve deep into your letter. As a wrap up to your pitch, it’s a driving force in motivating prospects to click through to the order page immediately.
As an early read, the P.S. works to compel the prospect to delve deep into your letter. As a wrap up to your pitch, it’s a driving force in motivating prospects to click through to the order page immediately.
Look at your P.S. as a stand-alone component of your letter. Does it pack a powerful punch? Does it deliver a benefit? Does it intrigue the reader to want to know more by referencing a detail from the body copy of your letter? It simply must do one of these three things -- or you probably need to overhaul your P.S.
Inspire interest and ad fuel to your prospect’s desires. Captivate him with a timely message of compelling importance. Create a riveting sentence or two that keeps him glued to your message with undivided focus and attention
Avoid Losing The Sale For Blasting Your Profit
Address every issue that could be a concern. Begin with a list of every reason why a prospect doesn’t buy. He may want it, need it, even crave it -- and be quite capable of paying your price. Yet still, he doesn’t buy. So you need to go deeper to discover all possible obstacles that may be preventing sales.How To Write An Emotional Headline
Touch on the key issues in your prospect’s life. Use picture words that trigger strong mental images and tug at your reader’s desires. Add feeling to your message and give your audience the solutions they’ve long sought.How To Make A Good Headline Even Stronger
Guarantees, added incentives and, definite deadlines give an added sense of urgency and importance to your headline. A guarantee offers immediate backup for any claim stated previously. You still need to prove it, but the fact that the promise is ‘guaranteed’ adds power and significance to the message of the headline.