Fancy a guy? He'll be looking for these signals from you...
Give him the 'lean-in'
Most common and the safest move. Use this one initially. It may happen naturally, but this gesture shows interest and acceptance. Depending on what he's talking about, it means you just think he's the funniest, cutest, most fascinating creature put on the face of this earth. A casual lean-in might also allow him to check out more than just the colour of your eyes, player-girl, so don't end up falling on his lap. There's more yet...
Give him the 'come hither' glance
Let him know that you're interested by holding his gaze for more than five seconds.
Eye-to-eye contact is both thrilling as well as intense and it can clearly convey your interest levels. This can vary from a mildly curios level to downright flirtation. So turn up the heat accordingly! Besides, men love to be the centre of a woman's attention. If you keep your eyes locked on his, the message you're giving him is that he's the only person in the vicinity who matters!
A word of caution though - not all men dig such brazen behaviour. Go by the situation and judge accordingly.
Use the 'hair twirl' move
Now that you've got him grinning like a silly puppy, get him to eat out of your hands. While he's already reacting to your smile and teasing words, casually toss your hair over the side of your neck, exposing your nape.
You'll notice his eyes dart - although he won't want you to notice this - to check out your neck.
Do it right and there's every chance that you'll be on his mind for the remainder of the night. It's a primitive gesture of sexual anticipation laced with sexual anxiety.
Some Guidance on Understanding Men and Dating Him in a Special Way
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