There are many stories about how the tradition of giving an engagement ring to one's beloved, came to be. Here are a few.
The Romans wore "betrothal" rings made of iron. Over time, these rings started to be made of gold and embellished. Some early rings also had a carved key to symbolize how a woman could unlock her lover's heart. Another theory suggests that the engagement ring served as a "slave band" in the Roman Republic to indicate that the woman was the man's chattel and belonged exclusively to him.
If you're looking for some specific dudes to single out, look no further. In 860 Pope Nicolas I announced that a ring was a requirement to signify engagement and it was also stipulated that it should be a gold ring - this indicated the financial commitment being made by the groom. Some sources say the origin of engagement rings dates back to 1477 when the Archduke Maximillian of Austria bought his beloved Mary of Burgundy some serious bling.
Consider yourself lucky (or unlucky) depending on your perspective. In Brazil, Sweden, and Germany, both the man and the woman wear engagement rings.
And some men wish they could go back in time to the days of cavemen. The cavemen tied strands of grass around the ankle of their cavechick to claim their respective piece of meat. This was uncomfortable for the cavechick and was ultimately adjusted so that the grass strands were tied around her finger versus her ankle.
Build Your Own Engagement Rings...Oh the Power!
You are in the driver's seat and in control. Just like driving, to build your own engagement rings is empowering (in an expensive kind of way), but hard work as well. You gots to know your stuff when it comes down to choosing the various components of the ring....otherwise you may crash and burn.Protect That Bauble: Engagement Ring Insurance
Put your anxiety to rest with engagement ring insurance:So you've taken one of the biggest steps of your life by purchasing a ring and proposing to the woman of your dreams. This is the point where practical considerations begin to cross your mind....Princess Diana's Engagement Ring: Her Jewelery Was Beautiful But Her Life Was Tragic in Many Ways
Who isn't fascinated by the gracious and beautiful Princess Di? Everything about her held an air of intrigue, from her complicated marriage to Prince Charles to her beautiful fashions and jewels.